The first of the trilogy. You can download it here.

You play as Cheryl Nielson, a regular high school girl who lost her family in a plane accident. Alone in the summer holidays, you meet a woman...the White Lady. She explains to you that she has been looking for you because you can save Fantasia. The reason being you've experienced pain and the keys which can save that world are inside people who share the same pain as yours. Through the power of love, the world of Fantasia can be saved. But be warned: Once you go to Fantasia, there's a chance you may never come back.
I love this game. I've just recently finished Frozen Essence so I was looking for more games just like that one. Fantasia: Realm of Thanos fits the bill. There are four paths you can take--the guys who share the same pain as you.
The boy with the cursed body

(Ian Vanguardian - friendship key)
Ian was...different from what I expected him to be when I first saw him. I mean, his power is ice so I expected him to be the cool and quiet type and boy, was I wrong. He's childish and basically a wimp at first. He was the easiest one to get (for me) mainly because the choices in order to get him was quite obvious and spaghetti. He's a sweet and funny character. He's also a fanboy of the other guys in the game, but watch out he's going to be an important man someday.
The boy who thirst for blood

(Leon Xaverius - kindness key)
Leon is my second favorite character in RoT (next to Oswald). If I had to described him, he's...conflicted. He's like this cute psycho teddy bear with crazy mood swings (what am I saying?). However, he acts like a gentleman around you. He's one of the most sought after guy in the game (there's Melodia, Princess Violetta? and you) and its good to know that if you don't pick him he's going to end up with the better girl.
The boy who trusts no one

(Gil Roughknight - trust key)
Gil isn't really the kind of character that I go after in a game (for short, he's my least favorite). He's mature (is that so bad?) and just so...calm and collected. I can count the number of times he blushed in the whole game (its...*toot*). But he's also the character that offers you the most number of alternative paths. It's easy to guess what kind of food he likes, elf, nature, green hair? so yeah.
The ruler of the realm

(Oswald Leingold - ultimate key)
Kyaa~~ Oswald!! *_* Oswald is one of my favorite characters in the whole Fantasia series. Silver hair, crimson eyes and the I-can-do-whatever-I-want-because-I'm-so-great-hahaha! attitude. (luv it!) Yep, it's the bad boy trap but I don't care. Vestoria kind of got demoted in my list though after I learned the true story. I'm glad this was the canon pairing cos they're my absolute favorite. Even in the secret ending, he's the one I like the most.
WTF--I mean, secret endings

(Hurrah for the secret endings! LOL.)
This is just for fun so don't take it too seriously. You have to buy a certain item from the mysterious merchant to get these endings (there are two of them). Warning: the item's effect lasts forever. There's also the Thanos ending.
I just finished playing Frozen Essence so its still fresh to mind. I think Cheryl loses in terms of heroine. I mean, Mina being the Death Sphere and all, can you spell U-N-W-A-N-T-E-D? Her background is certainly more interesting for me. But...but...but! Oswald totally owns Rune. Rune is just so...blah. I think this is the first game I played where the bad guy gets the girl. This is a great game! I'm off to play the next one. ^_^