I've had this game for awhile but never got the chance to play till now. In terms of story, I must say this is the most complex (and beautiful) one I've ever read. (Also the one with the most CGs)
In a world balanced by essence, you play as a girl unsealed from her crystal prison. With no memories and with dark powers feared by many, will she get by? Will she find love? With the guidance and protection of the oracle within her realm, her journey begins.
Water Path
(Fave moment: when Mina finally remembered him)
This is the first path I opened when I played the game, not by choice but because of lack of it actually. Apparently, I didn't "bond" with anyone enough for them to be so important to me, and it's just as well. All the questions I have and may have in the future have been answered in this path. The dark ending was a bit creepy though. (define: obsessed)
Earth Path
(I set my sight on Caius from the very first CG he appeared in)
This is actually one of my favorite paths. I looove the light ending, and the dark ending wasn't so bad. Also, there were so many funny moments in this one (and sweet and touching moments) that I can't help but love. Caius' character sort of reminds me of Belphegor from KHR. I love them both! >_<
Fire Path
(Confessions: I thought he was a girl when I first saw him)
I already got some CGs from when I got the Water Path so I thought I might as well complete it. This is actually the most difficult path for me. I had a hard time with Varian because frankly, I didn't know how to act around him (plus there wasn't much interaction) Both the light and dark ending also didn't strike me as much as the others. I pity him though since he keeps blaming himself for what happened (when I now know it's not his fault)
Air Path
(I've got a soft spot for him for what he did in the Life Path)
I am running out of choices so between Rune and Aurelius, I picked him. Rune kind of rubbed me the wrong way when I first met him. I was kind of hesitant though because of Aysel. This path is my least favorite, not because it isn't great (it is!) but because it doesn't relate much with the others. It's completely separate (with Earth and Fire, there were still connections) but it does my heart good though to know that the White Order isn't all powerful, and I get to meet Lady Cascade again (I owe her one in the Earth Path)
Life Path
(I didn't like Rune but my opinion of him change after this)
Frankly, I never expected this to be the true ending (Life and Death! Gaah! I'm so stupid!). Also, Rune was the guy I was least motivated to pursue. He's just so...dull and I have a prejudice against guys who...touched their foreheads and smiles (stereotype of narcissist. sorry!). I love the true ending though, its sad but I see that its the best way to end this. My hate for Oryon also took on a whole new level here. Die Oryon! DIIIEEE!
Death Path
(This CG is messing with my mind! Must...hate...Oryon)
So... I notice that I got all the guys but there were still some locked CGs remaining, namely the Death Path. Time to be EVIL! Wow. I thoroughly enjoyed this path, getting revenge on all who hurt Mina but...but...what's up with the dark ending CG?! For some reason...kyaa~~ MinaxOryon ftw! I can't stop my inner fangirl, not with such potential pairing in front of me. I also heard that Mina looks like Virgil's wife...hmm... *gets shot*
You can download this awesome game here.