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It took me awhile to play this one. I always seem to put it off for one reason or another, but this weekend I had time so I played it.
And I like it, it's short and sweet but more importantly, there's a lesson there.
Koda is a cynical photographer with no interest in other people, but when he meets a cheerful girl in the park one day, he finds that his outlook in life is about to be shaken.
- Koda - the cynical photographer who doesn't like people that believe they can change the world.
- Kuu - the cheerful girl who believes she can change the world with just cookies and smiles.
Favorite Moments:
Koda: Cheering people up is pointless. They'll just get depressed again anyway. And then they die.
* * *
Koda: Why are you trying so hard to get me to smile?
Kuu: You don't look like a happy person.
Her honesty is like an arrow in my heart.
* * *